Define locations for Maps navigation at the press of one button!
Don't touch that device! That's right - while you're driving, you should have all hands on the wheel at all times.
But there's a traffic jam ahead!! You'd like for your passenger to turn on navigation, but they don't know how to use Maps!
Go There solves all of that with a single tap to navigate to any of your favorite places. Just tell your passenger to tap the Go There icon and then tap one of the Place buttons you've set up. And now Maps can tell you the quickest route to wherever you need to go.
Or use hands-free to launch Go There and auto-start will take you to your favorite destination without even a single touch!
Quick! Convenient!! Safe!!!
Please keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all times. This application is meant to be used before you begin driving, or by a passenger.
* Getting Started
The main screen consists of buttons: one per Place you've added. They are big and easy to press, so you can quickly launch Google Maps Navigation before you begin driving.
To add or manage places, use the Menu button (three dots). To edit or delete a place, press and hold the place button until the menu pops up. The main menu also contains additional features, such as Settings.
* Add Place
Use the Menu button (three dots) to launch the Add Place screen. Once there, enter the name that will appear on the button and the address. To add your current location, press the Location Here button. NOTE: if you exit the screen but haven't yet entered a name, the current date/time will be used instead of leaving it blank. To change the name of a place, press and hold its button and choose Edit Place from the menu.
* Manage Places
Use the Menu button (three dots) to launch the Manage Places screen and 1: change the order of your place buttons (press the up/down buttons to change ordering) or 2: hide any of your places (check mark to display, un-check to hide). From the Manage Places screen, use the menu to export/import your places using an XML file - copy it to another device or share it with a friend!
* Settings
- Enable Auto-Start: For even more convenient access to your favorite place, Go There will launch navigation automatically.
- Auto-Start Delay: Allows you to choose how long Go There will wait before navigating to your top place (at least five seconds).
* Pro Mode
Go There provides basic functionality at no cost, but Pro Mode, available for purchase from the Play Store, enables additional features:
- Additional place definitions.
- Add place using your current location.
- Geocode verification of addresses.
- Advanced management of defined places (reorder, hide/show, export/import).
Please support development of this application by purchasing Pro Mode using the button on the this screen.
* Free Trial
To help you evaluate Pro Mode, its features are enabled for a one week free trial.
We hope you will support development of this app by purchasing Go There Pro.
* Feedback
To contact the developer, use the Menu button (three dots) to launch the About screen and use the feedback form. NOTE: If you're using Go There and an error alert pops up, a Report button will launch the Feedback form so you can report the error, if you wish to.
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